Jul 19Liked by Gildhelm

I paused The SpongeBob SquarePants movie to read this. Hope you realize that

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This was great.

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Jul 19Liked by Gildhelm

We should throw javelins at these people methinks

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Excellent read. John Carter’s “Right Wing Cancel Squads” is another article about this same topic. Methinks we need to create threads where we gather information about these people, bring their wrongdoings to the light, and help speed up this scalping process.

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Probably your best post, I might even send the link to a couple normiecons.

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This hits the nail on the head. It’s unfortunate that it’s come to this, though I’m glad you made the distinction between intragroup and intergroup mercy, very easy for that to go over peoples heads!

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Right but the only reason why people like Raichik or w/e her name is are allowed to take scalps is because a powerful faction of tbe regime is rallying behind Trump and Vance. This “revenge” is very performative at best to boot.

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The (emotional) pendulum swings both ways. With that said, I believe we are being whipped up into fervor intentionally to have that momentum exacerbated. With the heightened emotional tension, we are easier to manipulate, especially into war the (((globalists))) desperately need.

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The barn leaned over

The vultures dried their wings

The moon climbed up an empty sky

The sun sank down behind the tree

On the hill

There's a killer and he's coming

Thru the rye

But maybe he's the Father

Of that lost little girl

It's hard to tell in this light

And I want to know

The same thing

Everyone wants to know

How it going to end?

Drag your wagon and your plow

Over the bones of the dead

Out among the roses and the weeds

You can never go back

And the answer is no

And wishing for it only

Makes it bleed

Joel Tornabene was broken

On the wheel

Shane and Bum Mahoney on the lamb

The grain was as gold

As Sheila's hair

All the way from Liverpool

With all we could steal

He was robbed of twenty dollars

His body found stripped

Cast into the harbour

There and drowned

And I want to know

The same thing

Everyone wants to know

How it going to end?

The sirens are snaking their

Way up the hill

It's last call somewhere in

The wordl

The reptiles blend in with the

Color of the street

Life is sweet at the edge

Of a razor

And down in the front row of

An old picture show

The old man is asleep

As the credits start to roll

And I want to know

The same thing

Everyone wants to know

How it's going to end?

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