Mar 26Liked by Gildhelm

This post is feared by moralists

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I had a libtard class in college that talked about how birth rates plummeted when women had access to education and “family planning” resources. I wonder if improving the material conditions of say, American blacks and Hispanics, will lower their fertility.

Perhaps treat being a Microsoft office suite sharecropper like the Industrial Revolution and move white America to a post computer Revolution society. Where women no longer feel prestige from making PowerPoint slides for corporations.

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Education and improved conditions decreases birth rates eventually, but there's a 'hump' in between where infant mortality drops off but people are still having kids as if it hasn't which leads to huge population spikes.

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No political solution is practical because politics is out of our control. No technological solution is practical because technology will fail as idiocracy takes hold. My practical solution is here: http://www.arkian.net/

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