I need to reread this, and thank you for writing it, but I am immediately reminded of Fr. Seraphim Rose’s discussion of “God as Creator” in chapter 3 of The Orthodox Way. There is a lot of the same language about God being present even at the atomic level. They call this Panentheism which I think is an apt descriptor of the Orthodox view of God. You might find more purchase in this perspective of the Christian God than the “rational even unto death” cyborg that the Catholics sometimes create

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Was a literal Genesis creation story ever the consensus in 19th century Germany? I haven’t seen much investment in YEC outside some heinous Protestant camps.

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Nope, nowhere in Europe. By 1820s the idea of a global flood was abandoned and by 1850s estimates of the age of the Earth were upwards 40 million years. What's funny is that nearly everyone was at first very accepting of this, but around the 1920s there was a widespread Christian backlash against scientific materialism. You see this in America's Butler Act/Scopes trial especially

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