Very interesting. Here in Oklahoma, there is a very large Burmese population that’s appeared in the state over the last fifteen years, and it’s mostly the Catholic Church that is responsible for bringing them here. Specifically, it’s some Catholic charity group based in Kansas (the perfidious Kansan is the enemy of all Oklahomans), so the people of Oklahoma never even got a choice in the matter. The Burmese just started showing up one day and are still coming in.
All of the orgs mentioned in this were founded by the Church, funded by the Church, and are ran by Clergy of the Church.
You're probably thinking of the low effort posting of Catholic Charity's board recently. First off they were showing CLINIC, not CC, and secondly it wasn't even CLINIC's board - it was an employee directory of their contracted lawyers.
Let's say you're right anyways. These organizations are really just a bunch of Jews trying to replace Whites. Why then is the Catholic Church paying them billions of dollars to do it?
I am talking about the people who set up the legal framework to make this possible, as well as the leaders of these Catholic organizations. They are jews. It is not incongruous with the fact that most third world immigration into Western countries, amounting to millions of primitives every year, is led by jews. Look at large organizations such as HAIS, which had Alejandro Majorkas, the man directly responsible for holding U.S. borders open, on their board. George Soros is a jew. Barbara Lerner Spectre, the founder of Paideia in Sweden, proudly admits that jews are leading this.
They do it because they get lots of money from the government and NGOs to do it. I’m not excusing judeo-Christians for being useful idiots in this scheme to destroy the Western world, I am pointing out the ring leaders so we can know where to focus our efforts at fighting the problem.
HIAS receives a fraction of the funding and returns a fraction of the impact compared to the Catholic Church, see Complicit Clergy figures from DHS above. The Church is the largest immigrant aid organization in the world, this is well substantiated in the post. Also feel free to look at the boards of CC & CLINIC and be hit in the face with dozens of Catholic bishops with French & Irish surnames.
You're making the exact claim that this post undercuts. These aren't "useful idiots", it is the primary driving force of immigrant aid and aid to 3rd world countries. It's not judeobolshevism, it's simple and well intended Christian compassion.
You are trying to excuse the group that has always led open borders and mass immigration into all Western countries, and shifting the blame onto secondary actors. That’s Henry Makow’s trick. It’s like blaming White women for the destruction caused by feminism, or blaming men for the mass consumption of porn. Do you see what I’m saying?
No, I don't, because they're not secondary actors. The Catholic Church is the largest immigrant aid organization in the world. And you're just repeating conjectures in the face of contrary evidence
They are not conjectures, they are facts that the perpetrators themselves proudly proclaim. You are equating size with influence and responsibility, and shifting blame onto secondary actors. Inexcusable. Tschüß & Toodles.
Very interesting. Here in Oklahoma, there is a very large Burmese population that’s appeared in the state over the last fifteen years, and it’s mostly the Catholic Church that is responsible for bringing them here. Specifically, it’s some Catholic charity group based in Kansas (the perfidious Kansan is the enemy of all Oklahomans), so the people of Oklahoma never even got a choice in the matter. The Burmese just started showing up one day and are still coming in.
This is dark.
As a Catholic, this hurts to see. Excellent article.
Many Catholics speaking out against this, wanting to take their Church back. Look into orgs like CatholicVote
But why? What do they gain?
It is actually jews who set up and run the "Catholic" immigration program.
All of the orgs mentioned in this were founded by the Church, funded by the Church, and are ran by Clergy of the Church.
You're probably thinking of the low effort posting of Catholic Charity's board recently. First off they were showing CLINIC, not CC, and secondly it wasn't even CLINIC's board - it was an employee directory of their contracted lawyers.
Let's say you're right anyways. These organizations are really just a bunch of Jews trying to replace Whites. Why then is the Catholic Church paying them billions of dollars to do it?
I am talking about the people who set up the legal framework to make this possible, as well as the leaders of these Catholic organizations. They are jews. It is not incongruous with the fact that most third world immigration into Western countries, amounting to millions of primitives every year, is led by jews. Look at large organizations such as HAIS, which had Alejandro Majorkas, the man directly responsible for holding U.S. borders open, on their board. George Soros is a jew. Barbara Lerner Spectre, the founder of Paideia in Sweden, proudly admits that jews are leading this.
They do it because they get lots of money from the government and NGOs to do it. I’m not excusing judeo-Christians for being useful idiots in this scheme to destroy the Western world, I am pointing out the ring leaders so we can know where to focus our efforts at fighting the problem.
HIAS receives a fraction of the funding and returns a fraction of the impact compared to the Catholic Church, see Complicit Clergy figures from DHS above. The Church is the largest immigrant aid organization in the world, this is well substantiated in the post. Also feel free to look at the boards of CC & CLINIC and be hit in the face with dozens of Catholic bishops with French & Irish surnames.
You're making the exact claim that this post undercuts. These aren't "useful idiots", it is the primary driving force of immigrant aid and aid to 3rd world countries. It's not judeobolshevism, it's simple and well intended Christian compassion.
You are trying to excuse the group that has always led open borders and mass immigration into all Western countries, and shifting the blame onto secondary actors. That’s Henry Makow’s trick. It’s like blaming White women for the destruction caused by feminism, or blaming men for the mass consumption of porn. Do you see what I’m saying?
No, I don't, because they're not secondary actors. The Catholic Church is the largest immigrant aid organization in the world. And you're just repeating conjectures in the face of contrary evidence
They are not conjectures, they are facts that the perpetrators themselves proudly proclaim. You are equating size with influence and responsibility, and shifting blame onto secondary actors. Inexcusable. Tschüß & Toodles.