Interestingly enough it is to see third worlders, think India and most of Africa, create a mess of their very own soil. They have no true connection to their surroundings, except maybe for a small elite at the top. A shithole is a shithole because of the people that make it.

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Both most african countries and India are a bunch of peoples with zero social cohesion and lots of ethnic tensions that were forced to get together in gigantic states.

You can't expect to socially engineer a society composed of mainly tribes into a modern framework and expect it to work.

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Post war Germany feels like a caricature of itself, modern greens are a bunch of hippies that deny reality and don't think about the logical consequences of their ideals that are making more damage than good.

I'm by no means a nazi, but i deeply sorrow how the german spirit fell down and was emasculated after both wars. Seeing such a great and advanced nation fall apart in less than a century. Being of german descent myself, it's demoralizing.

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Ecofascism: Lessons from the German Experience.

I have that book too. I bought it when I was doing direct action at Twyford Down. (Hampshire UK, mid to late 90s). The camp on that bit of downland was anarcho-monarchist romantic neo-pagan with eco-Christian aspects. You didn't need to delve deep beneath the social pretence of liberal leftism to find a bit of blood and soil. The holocaust narrative is an attempt to concrete over our historical humus. That pavement is decaying rapidly. It is as convincing as fiat currency. With the collapse of the latter, I expect an acceleration in the radical rewilding of our politics into an archeofuturist mode. I found that book very helpful too and I have it still.

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